About Us

About Cozy Garden Kids
  • About us

    Ensuring the safety and security of all the children at Cozy Garden Kids Daycare is our top priority, and we have taken strict measures to ensure that our infrastructure reflects this philosophy.

    Security starts at the door by the security camera system. This enables our staff to monitor who drops off and picks up each child and records each child’s entry and exit daily. Children are released ONLY to those individuals who have been listed on enrollment records and who have been confirmed by identification check.

    Our outside play areas use a rubberized surface. All perimeter and playground gates are locked so children can enjoy outdoor play safely. Staff members are trained in First Aid , CPR and MAT.

  • Food tests and health.

    •  Meal plans follow USDA standards.
    •  Perishable food is refrigerated.
    • Breast-feeding mothers are welcome.
    • Policies are in place for separating breast milk from formula.
  • Our Daycare Sanitation.

    • We promote hand washing throughout the day.
    • We sanitize toys throughout the day to help prevent the spread of germs.
    • Diapering is conducted in separate areas from play & eating areas.
    • We clean our daycare each day with safe, non-toxic cleaning products.
    • Cleaning supplies are locked-up and out of reach.
  • Emergencies & Medications we are ready.

    • All our Staff are trained in emergency procedures.
    • We have our emergency evacuation plan.
    • Monthly fire drills are scheduled for evacuations.
    • Medications are stored securely & out of the reach.
    • We have strict policies for administering medication to your child to ensure he or she is protected.
  • Health & Wellnes you can trust us.

    • When a child is not feeling well, we request parents pick up their child so that others aren’t infected.
    • We assess every child’s health by communicating with parents. We increase assessments during flu season.